New Mexico - School Supplies List 2024-2025
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A:shiwi Elementary
Abiquiu Elementary
Academy Del Sol ALT.
Acequia Madre Elem
Acoma Elementary
Adobe Acres Elem
Agua Fria Elementary
Alameda Elementary
Alameda Elementary
Alameda Middle
Alamo Day School
Alamogordo High
Alamosa Elementary
Albuquerque Evening
Albuquerque High
Alcalde Elementary
Algodones Elementary
Alta Vista Elem
Alta Vista Intermedi
Alta Vista Middle
Alvarado Elementary
Alvis Elementary
Alvord Elementary
Amistad Charter
Amy Biehl Charter HS
Animas Elementary
Animas Elementary
Animas High
Animas Middle
Ann Parish Elem
Anthony Elementary
Anton Chico Middle
Apache Elementary
Apache Elementary
Armijo Elementary
Arrey Elementary
Arroyo Del Norte Ele
Arroyo Del Oso Elem
Artesia High
Artesia Park Jh
Artesia Zia Intermed
Aspen Elementary
Atalaya Elementary
Atrisco Elementary
Atsa Biyaazh Community School
Aztec Dormitory
Aztec High
B.T. Washington Elem
Bacadloay Azhi Comm School
Bandelier Elementary
Barcelona Elementary
Barranca Mesa Elem
Barry Elementary
Bataan Elementary
Bayard Elementary
Beclabito Day School
Bel-air Elementary
Belen High
Belen Infinity High
Belen Middle
Bell Elementary
Bella Vista Elem
Bellehaven Elem
Ben Alexander Elem
Berino Elementary
Bernalillo High
Bernalillo Middle
Berrendo Elementary
Berrendo Middle
Blanco Elementary
Bloomfield Family Lc
Bloomfield High
Bluewater Elementary
Bluffview Elementary
Booker T. Washington
Bosque Farms Elem
Bridge Academy Chart
Broadmoor Elementary
Brown Elementary
Buena Vista Elem
C.V. Koogler Middle
Calvin Capshaw Middl
Cameo Elementary
Capital High
Capitan Elementary
Capitan High
Capitan Middle
Career Academy
Career Academy
Career Enrichment
Career Prep Alt
Carinos De Los Ninos
Carlos F. Vigil Mid
Carlos Gilbert Elem
Carlos Rey Elem
Carlsbad High
Carrizozo Elementary
Carrizozo High
Carrizozo Middle
Caton Middle
Central Elementary
Central Elementary
Central Elementary
Central Elementary
Central Elementary
Central High
Central Nm Correctn
Central Primary
Century Alt High
Cesar Chavez Comm Ct
Cesar Chavez Elem
Cesar Chavez Elem
Chooshgai Community School
Chama Elementary
Chama Middle
Chamisa Elementary
Chamiza Elementary
Chaparral Elementary
Chaparral Elementary
Chaparral Elementary
Chaparral Elementary
Chaparral High
Chaparral Middle
Chaparral Middle
Charlie Y. Brown Alt
Charter School 37
Charter Voc High Sch
Chelwood Elementary
Chimayo Elementary
Christine Duncan Com
Chrysalis Alternativ
Cibola High
Cimarron Elementary
Cimarron High
Cimarron Middle
Clayton High
Clayton Junior High
Cleveland Middle
Cloudcroft Elem
Cloudcroft High
Cloudcroft Middle
Clovis High
Cobre High
Cochiti Elementary
Cochiti Elementary
Cochiti Middle
Colinas Del Norte El
College Lane Elem
Collet Park Elem
Columbia Elementary
Columbian Elementary
Comanche Elementary
Conlee Elementary
Continuation School
Corona Elementary
Corona High
Coronado Elementary
Coronado High
Coronado Middle
Corrales Elementary
Cottonwood Valley Ch
Country Club Elem
Craft Elementary
Crownpoint Elem
Crownpoint High
Crystal Boarding School
Cuba Elementary
Cuba High
Cuba Middle
Cubero Elementary
Daniel Fernandez Int
Datil Elementary
De Vargas Middle
Del Norte Elementary
Del Norte High
Deming High
Deming Middle
Dennis Chavez Elem
Dennis Chavez Elem
Des Moines Elem
Des Moines High
Desert Hills Elem
Desert Pride Academy
Desert Trails Elem
Desert View Intermed
Dexter Elementary
Dexter High
Dexter Middle
Dibe Yazhi Habltin Olta, INC.
Dixon Elementary
Dolores Gonzales Ele
Don Cecilio Mtz Elem
Dona Ana Elementary
Double Eagle Elem
Douglas Macarthur El
Dowa Yalanne Elem
DR. E.M. Smith Elem
Dugan-tarango Middle
Dulce Elementary
Dulce High
Dulce Middle
Duranes Elementary
Dzilth-na-o-dith-hle Community
E Grand Plains Elem
E.J. Martinez Elem
Eagle Nest Elem
Eagle Nest Middle
Eagle Ridge Middle
Early College Academ
East Mtn High School
East Picacho Elem
East San Jose Elem
Ece Center
Eddy Elementary
Edgewood Elementary
Edgewood Middle
Edison Elementary
Edmund G Ross Elem
Education Dev Cnt
Edward E. Torres Ele
Edward Gonzales Elem
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Eisenhower Middle
El Capitan Elem
El Dorado Elementary
El Rito Elementary
Eldorado High
Elida Elementary
Elida High
Emerson Elementary
Enchanted Hills Elem
Enos Garcia Elem
Ernest Stapleton Ele
Ernie Pyle Middle
Escalante High
Espanola Middle East
Espanola Military Ac
Espanola Valley High
Esperanza Elementary
Estancia Elem (new)
Estancia Elementary
Estancia High
Estancia Middle
Estancia Valley Learning
Eubank Elementary
Eugene Field Elem
Eunice High
Eva B. Stokely Elem
Fairacres Elementary
Farmington High
Farmington Preschool
Floyd Elementary
Floyd High
Floyd Middle
Forrester Elementary
Fort Sumner Elem
Fort Sumner High
Fort Sumner Middle
Francis X. Nava Elem
Freedom High
G.W.STOUT Elementary
Gadsden High
Gadsden Middle
Gallina Elementary
Gallup Central Alt
Gallup High
Gallup Junior High
Gallup Middle
Garfield Elementary
Garfield Middle
Georgia O'keeffe Ele
Geronimo Trails Acad
Gil Sanchez Elem
Glenwood Elementary
Goddard High
Gonzales Elementary
Gov Bent Elementary
Grace B. Wilson Elem
Grady Elementary
Grady High
Grady Middle School
Grant Middle
Grants High
Griegos Elementary
Guadalupe Cty Corr F
Hagerman Elementary
Hagerman High
Hagerman Middle
Hanaadli Community School
Harrison Middle
Harrison Schmitt Ele
Hatch Valley Elem
Hatch Valley High
Hatch Valley Middle
Hawthorne Elementary
Hayes Middle
Heights Elementary
Heights Middle Sch
Hermosa Elementary
Hermosa Hgts Elem
Hermosa Middle Sch
Hernandez Elementary
Highland Elementary
Highland Elementary
Highland High
Highland Jr High
Hillcrest Elementary
Hillrise Elementary
Hobbs Freshman Sch
Hobbs High
Hodgin Elementary
Hofacket Mid High
Holman Elementary
Hondo Elementary
Hondo High
Hoover Middle
Horizon Academy NW
Horizon Academy Sout
Horizon Academy West
Hot Springs High
House Elementary
House High
House Junior High
Houston Jr High
Hub H Humphrey Elem
Hurley Elementary
Independence High School
Independent Distance Learning Academy
Indian Hills Elem
Inez Elementary
Jackson Middle
Jal Elementary
Jal High
Jal Jr High
James Bickley Elem
James Elementary
James Monroe Middle
James Rodriguez Elem
Jaramillo Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Jefferson Middle
Jemez Day School
Jemez Valley Elem
Jemez Valley High
Jemez Valley Middle
Jenkins-nunan Center
Jicarilla Dormitory
Jimmy Carter Middle
Joe Stanley Smith El
John Adams Middle
John Baker Elem
John F. Kennedy Mid
John Paul Taylor Ctr
Jornada Elementary
Jose Barrios Elem
Juan De Onate Elem
K. Gallegos Elem
Kaune Elementary
Kearney Elementary
Kearny Elementary
Kennedy Middle
Kirland Pre-k Early
Kirtland Elementary
Kirtland Elementary
Kirtland Middle
Kiser Elementary
L.B. Johnson Middle
La Academia De Esper
La Academia Dolores
La Casita Elementary
La Cueva High
La Luz Del Monte Ctr
La Luz Elementary
La Luz Elementary
La Merced Elementary
La Mesa Elementary
La Plata Middle
La Promesa Early Lea
La Promesa Elem
La Resolana Leadersh
La Union Elementary
Ladera Del Norte Ele
Laguna Elementary School
Laguna Middle School
Lake Arthur Elem
Lake Arthur High
Lake Arthur Middle
Lake Valley Navajo School
Larragoite Elem
Lazaro Larry Garcia
Lea Elementary
Legion Park Elem
Lew Wallace Elem
Lincoln Elementary
Lincoln Jackson Arts
Lincoln Middle
Lindrith Area Herita
Lindsey Elementary
Llano Elementary
Lockwood Elementary
Logan Elementary
Logan High
Logan Middle
Loma Linda Elem
Longfellow Elem
Longfellow Elem
Lordsburg High
Los Alamitos Middle
Los Alamos High
Los Alamos Middle
Los Lunas Elementary
Los Lunas Family Sch
Los Lunas High
Los Lunas Middle
Los Ninos Elementary
Los Ninos Elementary
Los Puentes Charter
Los Ranchos Elem
Loving Elementary
Loving High
Loving Middle
Lovington High
Lovington Jr High
Lowell Elementary
Lucs Early Childhood
Luis E. Armijo Elem
Lybrook Elementary
Lydia Rippey Elem
Madison Middle
Magdalena Elementary
Magdalena High
Magdalena Middle
Manzano High
Manzano Mesa Elem
Manzano Vista Middle
Mariano Lake Community School
Marie M Hughes Elem
Mark Twain Elem
Marshall Jr High
Martin Elementary
Martin King Jr Elem
Matheson Park Elem
Maxwell Elementary
Maxwell High
Maxwell Middle
Mc Collum Elementary
Mc Kinley Middle
Mccormick Elementary
Mccoy Avenue Elem
Mckinley Elementary
Melrose Elementary
Melrose High
Melrose Junior
Memorial Elementary
Memorial Middle
Mesa Alta Jr High
Mesa Elementary
Mesa Elementary
Mesa Middle
Mesa Verde Elem
Mesa View Elementary
Mesa View Middle Sch
Mesa Vista High
Mesa Vista Middle
Mescalero Apache School
Mesquite Elementary
Mettie Jordan Elem
Middle College High
Midway Elementary
Mikemateo Sena Ele
Milan Elementary
Military Hgts Elem
Mills Elementary
Miranda Junior High
Mission Avenue Elem
Missouri Ave Elem
Mitchell Elementary
Monte Vista Elem
Monterrey Elementary
Monterrey Elementary
Montessori Elem Sch
Montessori Of The Rg
Montezuma Elementary
Mora Elementary
Mora High
Moriarty Elementary
Moriarty High
Moriarty Middle
Mosaic Acadmey Chart
Mosquero Elementary
Mosquero High
Mount Taylor Elem
Mountain Elementary
Mountain Mahogony
Mountain View Elem
Mountain View Elem
Mountain View Middle
Mountain View Middle
Mountain View Middle
Mountainair Elem
Mountainair High
Mountainair Jr High
Mountainview Elem
My Little School
Naaba Ani Elementary
Nancy Lopez Elem
Nataani Nez Elem
Navajo Elementary
Navajo Middle School
Navajo Pine High
Navajo Preparatory School
Nenahnezad Community School
New Futures School
New Hope Alt High
Nizhoni Elementary
Nm Boys School
Nm Military Insti
Nm Sch For The Deaf
Nm Svh
Nm Women's Corr Fac
Nm Yddc
Nmsvh Preschool
Nob Hill Elementary
North Alb Co-op Com
North Elementary
Northeast Elementary
Nye Early Childhood
Ohkay Owingeh Community
Ojo Amarillo Elem
Ojo Caliente Elem
Onate Elementary
Oregon Elementary
Osuna Elementary
P.R. Leyva Middle
Pablo Roybal Elem
Park Avenue Elem
Parkview Elementary
Parkview Elementary
Parkview Preschool
Pate Elementary
Paul D. Henry Elem
Pecos Elementary
Pecos Elementary
Pecos High
Pecos Middle
Penasco Elementary
Penasco Elementary
Penasco High
Penasco Middle
Peralta Elementary
Petroglyph Elem
Piedra Vista High
Pinon Elementary
Pinon Elementary
Placitas Elementary
Portales High
Portales Jr High
Public Academy For P
Puckett Elementary
Puesta Del Sol Elem
Quemado Elementary
Quemado High
Questa High
Questa Jr High
R. Sarracino Middle
R.M. Sweeney Elem
Ralph J Buche Academy
Ramah Elementary
Ramah High
Ramirez Thomas Elem
Ranchos De Taos Elem
Ranchvale Elementary
Raton High
Raton Middle
Raymond Gabaldon Int
Red Rock Elementary
Reginald Chavez Elem
Reserve Elementary
Reserve High
Rio Costilla Elem
Rio Gallinas School
Rio Grande Elem
Rio Grande Elem
Rio Rancho Cyber Acd
Rio Rancho Elem
Rio Rancho High
Rio Rancho Mid High
Rita A. Marquez Elem
Riverside Elementary
Robert F. Kennedy Ch
Robertson High
Rocky View Elem
Roosevelt Elementary
Roosevelt Middle
Roosevelt Primary
Roselawn Elementary
Roswell Corrections
Route 66 Elementary
Roy Elementary
Roy High
Ruidoso High
Ruidoso Middle
Ruth N. Bond Elem
S. Y. Jackson Elem
Sacramento Elem
San Antonito Elem
San Diego Riverside
San Felipe Pueblo Elementary
San Jon Elementary
San Jon High
San Jon Middle Sch
San Juan Elementary
San Lorenzo Elem
Sandia Base Elem
Sandia Elementary
Sandia High
Sanger Elementary
Santa Clara Day School
Santa Fe High
Santa Rosa Elem
Santa Rosa High
Santa Rosa Middle
Santo Domingo Elem
Santo Domingo Middle
School For Integrate
Seboyeta Elementary
Seven-bar Elementary
Shiprock High
Shiprock Northwest High School
Shiprock Reservation Dormitory
Sierra Elementary
Sierra Elementary
Sierra Vista Elem
Sierra Vista Elem
Sierra Vista Primary
Silver High
Sixth Street Elem
Smith Elementary
Snell Middle
Socorro High
Sombra Del Monte Ele
South Mountain Elem
Southern Heights Ele
Southside Elementary
Southwest Elementary
Sped Discipline
Springer High
Steiner Elementary
Stone Elementary
Sunrise Elementary
Sunset Elementary
Susie R. Marmon Elem
T Or C Elementary
T Or C Middle
T’iists’oozi’bi’olta (crownpoint)
T’siya (zia) Elementary & Middle
Taft Middle
Taos Cyber Magnet
Taos Day School
Taos High
Taos Middle
Taos Municipal Chart
Tatum Elementary
Tatum High
Tatum Jr High
Taylor Middle
Taylor Middle
Texico Elementary
Texico High
Texico Middle
The Family School
The Learning Communi
The Pre-k Center
Thoreau Elementary
Thoreau High
Thoreau Middle
Tierra Amarilla Elem
Tierra Amarilla Mid
To’hajiilee-he (canoncito) Day School
Tohatchi Elementary
Tohatchi High
Tohatchi Middle
Tomasita Elementary
Tony Serna JR. Elem
Truman Middle
Tse’ii’ahi’ Community School
Tse'bit'ai Middle
Tucumcari Elementary
Tucumcari High
Tucumcari Middle
Tularosa Elementary
Tularosa High
Tularosa Intermediat
Tularosa Middle
Twenty-first Century
Twin Buttes High
Union Elementary
Valencia Elementary
Valley Elementary
Valley Middle
Van Buren Middle
Van Stone Elementary
Vaughn Elementary
Vaughn High
Ventana Ranch Elem
Village Academy
Vista Nueva High
W.D. Carroll Elem
W.D. Gattis Jr High
Wagon Mound Elem
Wagon Mound High
Walatowa Charter Hig
Washington Middle
Western Nm Correctn
Wherry Elementary
White Mountain Elem
White Mountain Inter
Whittier Elementary
Wilferth Elementary
Wilson Middle
Yarbro Elementary
Yeso Elementary
Youth Build Comm Cha
Yucca Elementary
Yucca Elementary
Zia Elementary
Zimmerly Elementary
Zuni High
Zuni Intermediate
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Kindergarten | ![]() |
6th Grade |
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1st Grade | ![]() |
7th Grade |
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2nd Grade | ![]() |
8th Grade |
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3rd Grade | ![]() |
9th Grade |
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4th Grade | ![]() |
10th Grade |
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5th Grade | ![]() |
11th Grade |
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12th Grade |
The school supplies list information provided within this site is a general or comparable school supplies list. It is a recommended list only and may not exactly match the school supplies your child may need. We suggest that you visit your school's website to find a more comprehensive school supplies list, and or email your child's teacher to find out exactly what he or she will need for the upcoming school year before you purchase your school supplies.