Deer Park Elementary
School Supplies List 2024-2025
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School Name: | Deer Park Elementary |
Mailing Address: | 14301 Citrus Point Dr Tampa, FL 33625-3124 |
School District: | Hillsborough |
County: | Hillsborough |
District Calendar: |
Deer Park Elementary Hillsborough District Insructional Calendar for 2022-2023 |
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To update this School Supply List for Deer Park Elementary please send us an email including a updated supply list to: Thank you!
School Supply Lists in the Post Covid-19 World! |
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Deer Park Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List 1 Backpack w/straps (no wheels) 2 boxes Regular Crayons (16 pack) 12 Glue Sticks 1 pack #2 Pencils 1 pack Pencil Erasers 1 pack Markers Washable 2 Plastic Folders w/pockets and fasteners 1 Black / White composition book 2 Spiral Notebooks (one subject) 1 pair Fiskar Scissors 1 pack Refill Baby Wipes OPTIONAL ITEMS: 1 box Tissues (Family Size) 2 boxes Zip Lock Type Bags 1 box Clorox/Antibacterial wipes 1 bottle Hand Sanitizer 1 27 exp. Disposable Camera w/flash 1 box 8 pack fat Crayons 1 box Colored Pencils 1 bottle Elmer's Glue (4oz) 1 pack Watercolor paints Print Deer Park Elementary Kindergarten School Supplies List Hillsborough District Calendar 2022-2023 |
Deer Park Elementary First Grade School Supplies List 1 Backpack w/straps (no wheels) 2 Boxes Regular Crayons (24 pack) 1 Bottle Elmer's Glue 10 Glue Sticks 1 pack Markers Washable (10 pack) 5 Black / White composition book 1 pair Scissors 4 packs #2 Pencils (yellow, 12 count packs) 4 Plastic folders with pockets & prongs (1 yellow, 1 red, 1 green, 1 purple ) OPTIONAL ITEMS: 1 set of headphones, no ear buds please 1 box Tissues (Family size) 1 box of gallon size Ziploc type bags 1 box of quart size Ziploc type bags Clorox/Antibacterial wipes Hand Sanitizer Snack size Ziploc bags ADDITIONAL NOTES: ** It may be necessary to replenish any of the items as the school year progresses. These items are those with the greatest tendency to need replacement. Please keep any extra items at home due to limited storage space. Print Deer Park Elementary First Grade School Supplies List Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Deer Park Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List 2 boxes #2 pencils ** 1 large Pink Eraser 1 pack Cap Erasers 2 boxes Crayons (24 pack) 5 Paper Folders (w/ 3 prongs & pockets) (orange, yellow, red, blue, purple) 2 Dry Erase Markers 1 pack Markers 1 pack Highlighters 4 Glue Sticks ** 1 bottle Liquid Glue 3 Black/White Composition books 1 Spiral Notebook 1 pair Fiskar Scissors 2 packs Wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper 1 1" binder w/ 3 rings for planner 1 box Colored Pencils OPTIONAL ITEMS: 1 Family box of tissues 1 Liquid hand sanitizer 1 Gallon size Ziploc bags 1 Sandwich size Ziploc bags 1 Lysol spray 1 Clorox Wipes *Please be aware that some teacher's may have individualized lists to be sent home on the first day of school. This is a compiled list of the typical 2nd graders needs Print Deer Park Elementary Second Grade School Supplies List Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Deer Park Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List 2 boxes #2 Pencils (48 count total) 1 box Crayons (24 pack) 1 box Washable Markers (primary colors) 1 box Colored pencils (24 pack) 1 pack Multi Colored Highlighters 1 4-pack Expo Markers 1 Sharpie Marker 2 pkgs Glue Sticks 1 Pack Loose leaf paper (wide ruled) 1 pair Fiskar scissors 1 1 to 1 1/2inch 3 ring binders w/ pockets (white, clear view, no Trapper Keepers) 3 spiral notebooks (wide ruled, one red, one blue) 1 individual pencil sharpener 3 3 prong folders with pockets ( red, green, yellow) 1 pkg 5 tab dividers 1 Black and white Composition Books 1 pkg. Multi-pack 3x3 Post-It Notes OPTIONAL ITEMS: Family size box of Tissues Hand Sanitizer Ziploc bags all sizes Index Cards Clorox wipes AGP SUPPLY LIST AGP supply list will be given out after the start of school. Print Deer Park Elementary Third Grade School Supplies List Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
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Deer Park Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List 1 Backpack (no wheels) 3 boxes #2 Pencils 36 count (NOT mechanical)** 1 box Crayons 1 box Colored Pencils 1 pack Multi-Color Highlighters** 1 pack Red pens 6 Glue sticks** 1 pair scissors 3 packs Loose leaf notebook paper (wide ruled)** 1 Hand held pencil sharpener w/ lid 1 pack Dry erase makers (4 count) primary colors only 2 multi-packs 3x3 Sticky Notes 4 Black and white Composition notebooks 3 3 prong folders, w/pockets (red, yellow, green) Preferably Plastic 1 one-inch clearview binder (no Trapperkeepers) OPTIONAL ITEMS: Family size box of tissues Liquid hand sanitizer Ziploc bags (Boys Gallon size, Girls quart size) Antibacterial wipes to wipe desks Print Deer Park Elementary Fourth Grade School Supplies List Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Deer Park Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List 1 Backpack w/straps (no wheels) 2 1 1/2 inch binder 2 packs tab dividers for binders 3 spiral, single subject notebooks 3 Plastic Folders w/ prongs and pockets 2 packages 3x3 Post-It Notes - multipack 1 pkg wide ruled looseleaf notebook paper** 2 boxes #2 pencils (24 count) ** 1 pack Highlighters** 1 Zipper pencil case (NO boxes) 1 box Colored pencils 1 Black and White Composition Notebook 4 Glue sticks 1 bottle Elmer's Glue 1 pair student scissors OPTIONAL ITEMS: 2 boxes tissues (Family size) Index Cards Ziploc type bags (any size) Hand Sanitizer Anti-bacterial Liquid soap Clorox Wipes Print Deer Park Elementary Fifth Grade School Supplies List Hillsborough Academic Calendar 2022-2023 |
Deer Park Elementary Additional Information PE PROGRAM: Sneakers 1 Water Bottle ART K-5 One package HAND wipes per student ALL GRADES Please be aware that teachers have individualized lists, which may include binders, spiral notebooks, or additional folders, that will be sent home on the first day of school. This is a complied list of the typical student needs for each grade level. **It may be necessary to replenish some of the items as the school year progresses. These items are those with the greatest tendency to need replacement. Please keep any extra items at home due to limited space. |